Friday, April 25, 2003
Perhaps, I should explain today's comic. I'm a rather big hockey fan. I follow the teams all season long and watch just about every game of the playoffs. Well, my team, St. Louis jumped out to a 3-1 lead over Vancouver. Everything seemed good, my team was looking good and was healthy. Well, then they proceeded to blow the series. So, I'm rather frustrated by their ineptitude, and decided to do today's comic as a bit of a tribute. Oh, btw, congrats to the Canucks on a hell of a comeback, though I still hate them for it :p.
Friday, April 18, 2003
For your viewing pleasure, yet another comic. Just take your mouse and do the clicky thing on the link to your left and enjoy. I think I might get my first flame mails over this one. Well that is if anyone actually gets together the effort to do it, but I bet most of you are just as lazy as me :p
Well, just a little status update for all of you. You can expect an "Ummm... Yeah..." every Friday for the next month or so. After that school lets out and I'm gonna try to do more comics a week. The current plan will be UY on Monday and Wednesday and Starless Night on Friday. For those of you who care, the story for SN is set and good to go. Only reason its not starting now is each comic of SN takes roughly 6 hours where as UY takes an hour each. I can much more afford the hour now with school and all. Well, I'm gonna go crawl back into my hole. In the immortal words of Sora from .Hack//Sign, "JA NE!"
Thursday, March 20, 2003
Ok, got a comic going again. YAY! It's not the Starless Night comic that I've been working on for so long. That's still under work and takes a long time to draw so that's not gonna be happening quite yet. I have, however, started a new comic called "Ummm... Yeah..." This comic is a series of short gag strips. Pure humor, no series story. I'm gonna run this for a while since its both easy and fun to do. I'm probably gonna run both comics at once as soon as I get enough time to start drawing the more complex "Starless Night." Well, until then enjoy the new insanity.
Thursday, February 27, 2003
HE'S BAAACCCCKKK! Yes, that's right my friends. After a long absence, Starless Night is coming back. The new website is up, content should be somewhat completed. The world section is still being worked on, as I'm converting my notes into a more readable form. Hopefully, you'll find the new site easier to deal with and much more useful than the sorry excuse for a website I had before.
In other news, the comic itself is going a complete overhaul. I wasn't happy with the way it is, so thus the absence as I retooled it, rewrote the story, and recreated the characters. Some new characters have been added. Some removed. The general tone of the story will be completely different, with more comedic moments to add to the story I wish to tell. All in all, this is a completely new incarnation of the tale. This is will be MUCH more inline with the original short story I wrote that this project is based upon. I'm going to keep the original comics up in a separate page by request of a friend of mine. Hope everyone enjoys the new incarnation, hopefully I'll enjoy this one myself.
(Newsposts from this point on refer to the comic's first version...)
January 3, 2003
Happy New Year, everyone. Well, I guess I should explain the lack of an update Tuesday. The deal is, I couldn't get the art to look right. I even had to redesign the last frame because what I was originally going for never quite worked out. Also, I have family coming into town this weekend so there will likely only be one comic next week. It'll be posted on Friday.
December 31, 2002
I just can't make the art look right no matter how hard I try. I'll work on it some more today and post the new comic when I'm done. It'll be up by New Year's for sure. I'll try to update like normal Friday.
December 27, 2002
First off, a belated Merry Christmas to all of you. I hope your holidays were wonderful. Mine went pretty good. I'm still sleeping off the massive amount of food I ate which should in part explain today's comic. Yup, I pushed off doing this comic to the last minute. All things considered, I think it turned out ok though. Let's be honest, who forgot about the voice already? Trust me, it's much more than a plot device to bring him to this new world. Only 4 more comics after this one left in Chapter 1.
December 9, 2002
Well, my friend Meridian caught a rather bad typo on my part from comic #13. Seems I accidently wrote "the last thing this nation needs is the Priests leading us into another holy way." What I meant to type was "the last thing this nation needs is the Priests leading us into another holy war." The typo has been fixed and the fixed comic uploaded. Hopefully, the comic will make more sense with the typo fixed because the typo changed the meaning in a bad way.
December 6, 2002
Hello again everyone. Just a few updates to pass your way today. First off, comics have resumed and the viruses have been removed from my comp. Also, I've begun changing to the comics from JPEGs to GIFs in order to speed up the page's load time. Also, I've changed the font type and font size used in the comic from Arial to Verdanna because it looks sharper at smaller sizes than arial. In other news my finals are coming up, but I should keep the updates coming at two a week for the discernable future. Also, I'm gonna work on a site update over Christmas. Finally finish writing the webpages and then change the look so it looks nicer.
November 20, 2002
Ok, allow me to address this first part to all the retards out there who find it funny to make and infect other people's files and comps with viruses. All you virus making assholes need to get the shit beaten out of you. You all suck, and I hope you burn in hell. Ok, sorry about that. For all you non-virus makers, which I trust is most if not all of you, I got some bad news. I got hit rather hard by a virus today. My copy of Photoshop got fragged. I had done the art for the next comic, but since I lost photoshop, I can't import the pics and edit them into a comic. I can reinstall photoshop since I have the cd back at my house, but, unfortunately, my house is 3 hours away from college. Thus, I must regretfully inform you that there won't be any comics until I get back from Thanksgiving vacation. So, the next comic will be on Tuesday, December 3rd. Sorry, but there's nothing I can do about this one. Thank the mother fucking virus distributers for this delay.
November 12, 2002
Well, yesterday was my birthday. I took the day off and had a good time. I had to go to my classes of course since my college refuses to take any days off, but oh well. All in all it was a great 20th birthday. I did manage to pump out a comic for today. I'm not entirely satisfied with the art, but it gets the job done. I'm fairly happy with the last few comics. I've managed to get the main plot up and running a bit and introduced 2 more of the main characters, Brastion being one, and Arcadius, the praying man in today's comic being the other. It'll be a few more comics before anyone else gets introduced but the plot is gonna develop a lot between now and then. Well, here's hoping everyone's enjoying this so far, I know I am.
November 4, 2002
Alright, first portion of a website update is finally up. The Links and Art pages actually have content now. Yes, that's right, I actually showed some initiative for once. Don't get used to that though :p Also, most of you have noted the picture on the left of the main page. That's the precursor to another coming attraction here. I'm going to be adding a new javascript code that will place random pics in that location, making the webpage a tad more interesting and less bare. Currently, that pic of Alisa, one of the heroines yet to appear, is the only char pic worthy of the main page, so it will be there for a while until I can make a few more good ones.
October 31, 2002
First off, Happy Halloween everyone. Next, bad news. There won't be two comics this week as originally indicated. I finished the comic for Tuesday and was well on my way to the one for Friday so I thought I could pull off both. Well, I've since run into a brick wall known as French. My French class just dumped a shit load of work on me that is due this week so I was unable to finish the comic. I still got one up this week which was the original plan so I am somewhat happy. I'm gonna try for two again next week, so be sure to check in Tuesday for ep 7.
October 24, 2002
Alright, another sporadic random post for me. Got the fifth comic done and uploaded a few days ago. Since, then I've been working on the upcoming scripts and practicing the artwork for the other characters that will finally be appearing. The sixth comic has simple art and no almost no text so I should have that done shortly. I'm gonna try to finish both that comic and the seventh comic this weekend. If I am successful, I'll post the sixth comic Tuesday and then Friday the real fun can begin. The sixth comic ends the intro and after that the true story starts. I'm not promising two comics a week from now on, but I'm gonna try to see if I can pull that off for a week or two and see how it works out. Honestly, one comic a week doesn't move the story fast enough, so I'm gonna try to speed this up as soon as humanly possible.
October 11, 2002
Yeah, today's art sucks I know. I'm sort of ashamed of that piece of work but I didn't have the time this week to really put in the time it deserved. I always planned on it being a one framer since the inner debate was the important part. Well, it'll do I guess. The story is the important part at the moment. Just 3 more comics after this one and the intro will be done. After that the story will pick up in earnest. Since, I'm going home to take a weekend off from college this weekend, I'm gonna try to get a few comics done.
September 26, 2002
Well, here we are, the day before the debut. Site has been updated in its near final form. I have all the pages up, just need to fill them with content now. I'm holding off on a couple of the pages since any update on them would give away some of the story. The others are just cause I'm a lazy bastard :p. So far, I have two comics completely done and uploaded and am working on the third. I'm still going with the running plan of 1 a week on Fridays, but I may post a Tuesday or two in order to move past the initial phase. The first few comics are setup for the main story. They explain the why and how of what starts this adventure. For those of you who don't know, this is gonna be more or less an online manga. Comedy won't be the main focus of this endeavor. There will be some comedy, but in general this will be story based. Fair warning, there will be foul language and violence. Just accept that as an inevitable event, and that won't change. Well that's all for me. I'll see you at the debut tomorrow.
- Matt
September 17, 2002
Alright, good news and good news. I finally got my scanner with me up here at college so the comic will FINALLY be launching. The first actual comic will go up Friday, September 27. The comic will only update once a week at the moment due to how hectic my course load is at the moment. One a week I can handle, I'm afraid if I went for 2 a week right now I wouldn't be able to keep up. On the bright side, since I'm only doing one a week, I'm debating about spending the time to color the comics. That will happen eventually no matter what, but if I will do that immediately is still a tad up in the air. Well, hope you all stop back on the 17th, and let's hope this experiment of mine works out.
August 3, 2002
Ok, I've finished the actual webpage for this site. I think it looks really nice, hope any of you who stop by here will like it also. No set date for launch yet, but the story issues have been resolved for the early portion of the comic, so I'm gonna begin work. I just need to work on the art and then we'll be in business. I'm gonna go for a Manga-type look here. I've bought quite a few books on the subject and have been doing quite a bit of practicing and studying. I'm not all that great yet but I hope it will be good enough to allow me to get the story across. This is gonna be a story driven comic. There will be comedic elements, but the over riding story will be serious. Just to give you a hint, the basic premise is about a college student who ends up in a parallel midievil world.
In other news, I got an email account set up for this comic. starlessnightcomics@hotmail.com. Feel free to drop me a line and say hi. Nothing much else to note.