Thursday, June 19, 2003
Well, I'm back. Sorry about missing last week, but I was busy with moving back into college for summer school plus the early part of the week was gone because I was on vacation. Yup, I went to visit my bro in Florida. It's a nice place but way too damn hot during the summer. I'm planning on doing a tribute comic about my trip to Clearwater Beach, but that will have to wait to another week. This week's comic is dedicated to the slowest single fast food restaurant I've ever been to, the Arby's in Chatanooga, TN. Ten minutes for a roast beef when there's only 1 or two other people also waiting for their food is friggin ridiculous. Oh, and for the record, I'd eat at my fictional restaurant in the fourth frame :)
Friday, May 23, 2003
New update today. I'm uploading it the night before and due to spotty internet access am going to have to rely on Keenspace's buggy auto-updater. I'll check on the comic Friday afternoon to make sure it's up. So, if you check in the morning and it's not up, check back later in the day.
Thursday, May 08, 2003
Yeah, finals this week and next. I've decided to take these two wings off as a result. Seeing as almost all the people who read this are people I know in college here, I'm sure most people understand. Things will return as normal in two weeks time. Cya then.